The importance of the business identity of your project

The branding or branding is the evidence that distinguishes your company or project to people, which enables them to easily perceive the services or products that you offer. Often our vision of the color and design of what distinguishes a specific company or product, and it is possible that a certain logo sticks in our minds as a synonym To serve what.
Examples of brands for companies and projects are endless, and the ability to stick to our minds a certain image of these companies through some colors, words and designs is a great effort, and its success means a big step in the way of the project to continue and the ability to achieve its goals, so do not think that your small project It does not need to have a brand that distinguishes it, on the contrary, it increases its importance in projects that operate on a small and limited scale.

Brand description

Trademarks are a sign, image, or icon that takes a different and distinctive shape to make the products of your facility different and distinct from any product similar to another facility present with you in the same market, and these products can be consumer goods or a service that the establishment provides. Your way to distinguish between competitors, customers and the target audience, and some consider it a “promise to your customer”. It is a symbol, term, color or design that distinguishes the good or service and is easy to identify. Once you see it, it bears the consumer’s impressions of it and what it expects from the owners of this brand, and approval is made. On them in the field of business, business, marketing and promotional advertisements.

Companies and projects are interested in creating a brand for themselves, but also people such as doctors, engineers, and senior accountants are striving for their name to have a trademark capable of drawing a mental image about them and giving them the confidence of customers, which means that the matter is not limited to a specific nature of business, but It may include every entity that seeks to spread and be the consumers’ first choice, and obtain their satisfaction and trust.

The importance of brands (brand identity)

The commercial identity plays an important role in attracting customers and their association with the shape or identity in front of them, so when you see the apple you say this is Apple and when you see the letter of the 4 squares coordinating together with their attractive colors, you can say this is Microsoft, and if the colors differ, the first thing that comes to your mind is Microsoft, so the identity Commercial plays an important role in showing your product or company and distinguishing it among the rest, the market is very large and each of these brands is estimated at millions of dollars. Not only this, the commercial identity is an exclusive intellectual distinction for its owner, meaning that every owner has the right to register a commercial identity in the designated government services in order to protect intellectual And to prevent it from being stolen or re-using it in any illegal form or with the written permission of the owner of the commercial identity. If it becomes clear to us that the commercial identity is a matter of great importance and not only a logo design and a set of designs for publications, but its importance is almost immeasurable.

You may consider that relying on trademarks is a matter for large companies and projects, such as Facebook, Amazon or Microsoft, but this is not true, small enterprises need to build a private brand, being able to help achieve many of the project’s goals and increase its chances. And create consumers who feel loyal to him and trust him,

Of course, the stages of creating a distinctive brand that carries a good impression requires effort and marketing work based on creativity, market study and consumer behavior, but this effort will certainly not be lost, and it is a good investment in the project, so do not leave your project without an identity and features that distinguish it, and a mental image in the minds of consumers. And potential clients.

Here are a group of things that explain the importance of branding to your project:

Project awareness

The brand helps to make the business that you do known to customers, especially after choosing a design and logo that helps with that, which makes introducing the company or project activity much easier, as your ability to create a brand that works to leave an impression on the company on the consumer, and contribute to remembering it. It is a big step towards the success of what you are doing.

project value

The brand adds value to the project in the market, which means the ability to attract larger investments, so the project has a greater competitor to have influence in the field in which it competes.

New clients

When you can create a strong brand that is able to gain the trust of customers and gain their loyalty, a positive mental image of the project is spread through these customers, which means the possibility of attracting new customers, as people trust the opinion of their relatives and those who know them more than promotional ads, which is called Word Of mouth is word-of-mouth marketing based on each person’s experiences, and it is one of the most effective methods of promotion.

Employee satisfaction

Certainly, the small project that you are working on consists of a team that strives and strives to make it successful, and with a brand for the project in which he works, this means that the members of this team feel that they belong to this brand, especially, if it has a good reputation and has customers who prefer it in particular, which means They will feel satisfied with working in this entity preferred by consumers and appreciate the effort expended behind it, thus having feelings of pride and pride towards the project.

Confidence in the project

A good brand proves the feet of the project in the market in which it works, being able to win the trust of customers and the appreciation of competitors, so your brand is evidence of the presence of experience and respect, which increases investment opportunities and creates an army of consumers who follow, interested and defenders as well.

Facilitate advertising

In the case of a brand for your project, the step of advertising your business is much easier, although advertising is one of the means of marketing the brand, but relying on a good mental image of the project for customers and consumers and building on it in order to spread more, is easier, and allows work on A coherent and strong advertising strategy that is capable of attracting more customers.



Important advice to consider when designing a business identity

Now you have realized the value of having a brand for your project, but you do not know how you can create and adopt this brand and are keen on reaching it in the right way for customers and consumers. Therefore, in the beginning, you have to answer a set of questions that can make it easier for you to create your brand, namely:

  • What does the project offer?
  • What are the benefits and features of the products and services it provides?
  • What are your customers and consumers thinking about your project?
  • What traits do you want people to associate with your company?

After getting answers to these questions, you must do a real research about the needs, habits, and desires of your potential clients, and carefully study them so that you can know what they really want and how your project can achieve it, and then start thinking about creating a brand for the project.

Here is a set of tips that have been tried with many projects and ideas, which help to create a distinctive brand:

  • It is important that you work on designing a logo for your project in specific colors that express your message, and follow it with the logo that you want it to apply in people’s minds, and that Skoun has a main color that will be relied upon in many publications and other designs related to the project.
  • Being aware of and knowing (you and the team members) the key message that the project wants to communicate to the audience, and the general characteristic of it.
  • It is important for the brand to appear in every aspect of the project, from the uniform you and the team wear, to the workplace design, the way to answer the phone, and the signature inside the e-mail, which means that it must be present in all your interactions, whether with clients. Or the project’s shareholders or even competitors.
  • It is important for the company to have a “voice” that reflects its brand, and for this voice to appear in the written and visual communications of the project, meaning do you want your language to be formal or colloquial, and do you want the company to leave an impression of interest in societal matters or separate from it?
  • Putting a specific description of your project and your brand on the platforms that it spreads on, from the project’s website, the publications you distribute, social media platforms, and other means of promotion.

After you know the importance of the branding of your project, rely on it, and work to measure its impact on your project yourself if you only have to submit a request to design your own brand identity that will make your project spread and succeed in the shortest period of time.

What Raya Al-Rowad Company offers in designing business identities

We provide our customers with an integrated service that starts with studying your company’s activity and then creating the appropriate business identity with the use of colors that have a strong significance for your commercial activity in order to create a strong integrated identity with a high impact and unique in the target market for your business, on top of which is a distinct, special and unique logo that expresses the company’s vision and philosophy.

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