The role of the blog in introducing the brand

Many employers wonder what the purpose of blogging is, generally saying “I have a business website, and potential customers can find me through my Facebook ad campaigns. Why do I even need a blog?” Sounds familiar?

Before we answer that question, let’s look at some interesting facts.

Businesses who blog regularly receive 55% more visitors and 67% more inbound links than companies without a blog at all.

In the past few years, content creation has become more effective search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. The more content you post on topics relevant to your customers, the higher the chances of improving your search and conversion traffic.

If you want to learn more about SEO, we explain it in more detail here.

What is the purpose of a code for your business?

Well, the numbers clearly indicate that Google loves blogging, when companies share high-quality content with their audience the engine is satisfied. And that love translates into higher organic search rankings.

When we sit down and talk to our clients about their marketing goals, the first thing they mention is boosting their search rankings. They want to be visible. They want to be found online.

One of the fastest ways that search engines can find it is to have content on your website that they can index. According to one last count, companies that regularly publish blog posts have 434% more pages indexed than websites that do not post content!

And what better way to get your pages indexed than to add carefully designed blog posts to your site?

In addition to your website pages, your blog should be a major contributor to your content marketing strategy. Digital marketers, as well as companies, seem to realize this; According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 94% of marketers and business owners plan to invest in a content creation strategy this year.

Now that we know how important a blog is to your business, let’s talk about exactly how much it impacts your brand.

The purpose of the blog and its impact on clients:

Blogging for companies or projects, or business blogging as we call it, is a form of creating and publishing short content to make your business more visible online.

To make your website a lead generating machine, you need people to actually see it.

The two most important ways people can discover you online are:

They write in the URL of your site.

They find you through search engines.

Now, unless you are a big player in your field like, Ali express to name a few, the odds of a # 1 occurrence for your brand are highly unlikely.

This lends itself to number 2.

As mentioned earlier, when your website contains more pages, you have better prospects for a good ranking in the search engines.

Consider the following now; Every time you publish a blog post, and as a result, you create a new web page, you create;

Another opportunity for your website to appear for searches people enter in search engines

Another opportunity for another website to link to your blog post, which will give you more SEO juice

Another opportunity for someone to post this new post on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn

As you can see, blogging is one of the easiest and most economical ways to get your business in front of a relevant audience so you can generate new leads.

Let’s talk about this in detail. Here are the top reasons why blog should be an integral part of your marketing strategy.

Reasons why you should include blogging in your marketing strategy:

Helps increase traffic to your website:

As mentioned before, one of the ways people find your site is by typing your name directly into their browser.

For a second, let’s forget that you are a small business, and people find you by typing in the URL of your website. Until then, that’s an audience that already knows about you! You’re already on their radar and that doesn’t help you get new traffic.

Another way to capture your brand’s attention is:

Generate traffic by placing a lot of paid ads

Buy an email list and blow up innocent visitors with dozens of sales emails every week.

While the former is expensive and legal, the latter is expensive and illegal. So how do you drive traffic that doesn’t stop the second you run out of money?

Yes, blogging is the answer you are looking for.

When you publish content on your blog constantly, it indicates to Google and other search engines that your site is active and they should check it often to see your new content.

Are you wondering about the purpose of the blog? Well, getting leads with higher search rankings sounds good to us.

And in case this is unclear, adding blog content to your website is the only way to achieve so many indexed pages.

Also, when you write a particularly cool blog post, people are bound to share it on social networks. This is the best type of exposure you can get when trying to reach a new audience.

Helps convert that traffic into leads:

So now you have good traffic coming to your site – thanks to your blog, it’s time to convert it into leads.

Blog posts can help you do that, too. All you have to do is add a call-to-action button to every post you make. You can also use specific phrases to offer free eBooks, free trials, free webinars, etc. to people in exchange for their information.

The key is to create a content asset that people are willing to share their information with. It should be a part of high quality content that will sincerely help them. Here is the answer to how you will convert them into potential customers for your sales team.

It should be noted here that although the purpose of a blog is not to sell your product, it can still attract people to make the final purchase decision.

Your work helps create authority:

One of the goals of a blog that few business owners think about is to answer common questions that their customers ask.

Can you imagine how many potential customers a sales representative could close if their target customers discovered blog content written by a sales force? Just imagine the effect of sending out a blog post or news article you created explaining or resolving things to a confused consumer?

These are very powerful things!

For example, you wanted to start your fitness journey and were looking for a gym where you could register. If this is your first time going to the gym, you are clearly clueless where to start. So, you will use a search engine to search for; “Gyms near me” and I was overwhelmed with the results.

With so many professional coaches and a gym, who would you call? Then I stumbled upon a blog of a professional sports coach working at a local gym near you. The blog has tons of articles to help beginners like you get started. Will this affect your decision on choosing which gym to enroll in?

You see, if potential clients find answers to their common inquiries via blog posts written by you or your business team, they are more likely to turn into paying customers because they already trust you; Because you helped them in the past – even before they made the decision to buy anything from you.

If you are constantly working on producing content that is useful for your target audience, it will help you establish you as an authority in their eyes.

What the blog does not include:

So I did great research and spent hours creating more detailed, helpful and creative blog content. You press the “Publish” button. You are now waiting for thousands of visitors to find your amazing blog post and come to your website.

Do not do it.

There is a lot that goes into making your blog post popular (hint: promotion and SEO). Successful post is not only well-written, it is attractive and encourages the audience to respond. Also, if you want people to share your content, you will have to do it yourself first; Include your blog posts in email and social media campaigns. And even when you do everything right, it may take a few months to see the results of your efforts.

Now let’s talk about a few misconceptions people have about the purpose of the blog;

Do not sell: Although the blog helps inform and educate your audience about your product, it does not “sell” your product.

When people first come to your website, they are less likely to purchase something from you. In fact, it usually takes your content or branding to appear several times before they make a decision. This process often takes several days or months.

Your visitors may have landed on your site through one of your blog posts that they found in search engine results. First, they must know if they can trust you.

If your blog post is full of “buy now” buttons, people will bounce and leave before you can say so one last time.

Don’t use your blog content to sell: Leave that for content written specifically for the sales funnel (copy sales / compress pages.) Again, the blog is not intended to sell; It is informing your target audience about your product and services.

It’s not about the quantity: Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions people have about posting blog posts regardless of quality is; More blog posts means more traffic. incorrect.

When it comes to business blogging, strategy and quality are much more important than quantity. The strategy will help you create content around relevant topics for your audience.

Important note: It is also important to know which social media platform is best suited for you to share content. For example, does your target audience prefer Facebook over Instagram? Research, create and share blog posts accordingly.

Also, the purpose of the blog is to attract the buyer persona. Don’t think for a second that with more blog posts, you can cast a wider network and grab the attention of a larger audience.

If you try to talk to different types of people, your blog content will be public at best. If you are trying to build authority in your niche you should forget the term “group appeal.”

At the risk of developing a “sense of vulnerability,” let’s tell you something: People don’t care about your blog.

People who read the company blog don’t do it for fun, they are simply looking for a solution to their problems! So if you thought the purpose of a blog might be to prove your online presence like the next Forbes magazine, think again.

but no problem. Take a deep breath and keep reading.

How to get the most out of your blog:

Let’s say you are a new business that provides plumbing services. You create a web page that says “We provide the best plumbing services in …”. The odds of that page appearing on the first page of Google search results when someone searches for plumbing services are zero.

As a new trading company, it will be impossible for you to arrange Plumbing Services; SEO is difficult. Writing content and blog articles gives you a way to keep track of less competitive keywords.

In fact, in the world of digital marketing, the entire purpose of a blog is to help you rank for specific keywords. If you do a keyword research to find less competitive search terms that you can rank and create highly optimized and well-optimized blog content, you have a recipe for success.

The process is simple. Not easy but really simple.

So here’s what your blog creation process should look like;

Select the audience

Set the tone for your content (informal and conversational versus formal)

Select topics

Select a schedule for new blog posts (for example, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)

Find out what your competitors are writing (and what they missed)

Now you can understand the amazing impact a blog can have on the growth of your business. If you think it will be difficult for you to create and write blog posts on a regular basis, you can always hire an agency to take care of everything for you.

But understand that no one knows your business and your customers like you. So, even if you outsource the writing, make sure you are involved in creating your content strategy.

Still wondering about the purpose of the blog? If you would like some help with your blog’s content strategy then feel free to send us a message. The team members in the company love what they do and will be happy to help start your business blog or improve it through SEO.

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