What are the most powerful advertising platforms

Digital advertising, also known as online advertising or Internet advertising, primarily uses the online opportunity to deliver marketing messages to consumers or visitors. There are many new and emerging formats for digital advertising, although it is generally accepted that they will include email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, more general types of display advertising, and mobile advertising.

There are three main types of digital ads: paid for ads like Google AdWords, earned ads like communications created through online PR, and finally, the company creates ads where the company uses its own blogs, apps, and other communication platforms.

Online advertising is growing exponentially all over the world. Display advertising is most popular at the moment, although the future has yet to be written.

The most powerful advertising platforms in Saudi Arabia:

Since people spend more than 5 hours per day on their smartphones, displaying ads across platforms for mobile ads represents a huge opportunity for companies to market their brand.

But what kind of ads can you show?

There are many types of ads, but the most popular include:

Google Ads :

With Google Ads, ads can be shown on both desktop and mobile devices. When using display ads, you can use device targeting to target smart phone and / or tablet users only. On this platform, you can post ads within apps, browsers, and Google search results.

Here are the types of ads that you can use on smartphones and tablets:

Text and image ads

Photo and video app promotion ads

True View ads for app promotions

The main distinguishing feature of Google Ads is its access to the most popular search engine, which gives advertisers the opportunity to show their ads in front of the largest audience on the planet.

Facebook / Instagram Ads:

Due to its large user base, the social media giant has launched the Audience Network, which is an easy-to-use advertising platform.

Facebook is known for its many ad targeting options, and now they give advertisers the option to choose from the following ad types:

Original ads

Interstitial ads (full screen ads)

Banner ads

In-stream video ads

Rewarded video ads

Instagram is another good choice for advertisers since it is a mobile platform built with the mobile audience in mind. Both Facebook and Instagram ads are managed via the Facebook ads platform. So, Facebook bought Instagram.

snap chat:

If a large segment of your target audience is deviating from younger people, you should consider advertising on Snapchat. This is because over 70% of Snapchatters are between the ages of 18-24.

According to the Snapchat ad page, no more than a third of the app’s user community can be found on Facebook and Instagram. So you are able to gain market share with Snapchat Ads.

The platform allows you to choose one of three goals for your ad:

Site visits

Visits to your local store

App installs

Also, Snapchat makes it easy to set up and display your ad in minutes with its self-service system.

Finally, the tool offers tracking tools so you can measure and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.


With hundreds of millions of Tweets sent every day – and the ever-changing Twitter algorithm – it can be easy for your branding posts and Twitter marketing to get lost in the hype. This is where Twitter ads come in.

Advertising on Twitter is an opportunity for your brand to promote its products and reach new users who may be interested in what your brand has to offer.

Given that there are many very simple Twitter ad formats and there is no minimum ad budget, now is the time to consider running your first Twitter ad.

Here are some types of Twitter ads:

Promoted Tweets

Promoted Accounts

Promoted Trends

Propaganda moments

Automated ads

When adopting this type of ads, don’t ignore what works well for your organic Tweets! Monitor the performance of your organic Tweets with Twitter analytics, and apply what works well for those Tweets to your Twitter ads.

All of these ads can be displayed using a mobile advertising platform, sometimes referred to as the Mobile Advertising Network. Two of the most obvious options are Google or Facebook ads.

The mobile advertising platform acts as a middleman between publishers and advertisers looking for ad real estate on popular apps.

Why is Marketing Through Advertising Successful?

Targeting digital ads:

What if every ad you create is always seen by only qualified potential customers and members of the target audience?

The traditional ad is hit or miss, but digital platforms change the game. SEO and PPC can put your branding name and market your content in front of customers at every stage of the buying cycle. Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn offer flexible advertising options that allow you to segment by location, demographics, interests, and more.

Finally, since many forms of digital advertising are “subscription” – from customers who follow your blog and social media accounts, to those who receive your emails – you know that your access will go to the people who want your information.

Digital advertising provides flexibility across channels:

The keyword for success in digital advertising is ‘multi-channel’. With digital ads, a piece of content can be shared across a variety of platforms, meaning you are no longer limited to a single page, 30 seconds, or whatever format your traditional ad is designed for.

For example, the company distributes complex tech topics into six-second videos on social networks, and then augments that snippet with matching content, such as links to articles about safety and analytics. This multi-platform strategy allows their customers to consume content just the way they want – as a quick snack or a full meal. This can also work for any marketer. Reusing existing content is a win for both your strategy and your budget.

Digital ads invite mobile sharing:

Digital and mobile marketing go hand in hand. Digital advertising allows you to reach your audience on the go, wherever they are and whenever they are online. It’s an especially great place to reach Gen Z and Millennial clients. According to a study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), mobile is the most likely place to see Gen Z and Millennial relevant ads. Even better, nearly half of all typical smartphone users took action based on seeing relevant ads on their mobile phones.

In fact, mobile advertising may be more effective than desktop. The AdRoll report “Facebook by the Numbers” found that the click-through rate for Facebook news feed ads is typically 10% higher for mobile than desktop computers and produces 61% less CPC than desktop computers.

And the best is, that doesn’t mean you need another unique campaign. Responsive design is an approach to digital design that automatically optimizes content for whatever device it is viewed on. You can start achieving maximum mobile interaction once you ensure your emails, landing pages, and content translate seamlessly from desktop to smartphone.

Digital advertising is fastest on the market:

Market conditions and trends change rapidly, and this requires flexible marketing. Traditional advertising methods were out until the 1990s. From the time it takes to create an ad, to the long lead times required to purchase time or space, your message and your budget struggle to get anchored into a design created months before you see the light.

Digital campaigns can be executed more quickly, and can be modified quickly if needed. Bear in mind that in April, Subway was promoting a new ad campaign with its longtime spokesperson, Jared. After a scandal this summer that resulted in his arrest, Subway was unable to distance himself from their player quickly enough. Whether you are trying to capitalize on the news or turn away from it, it is wise for the major brands to retain as much pivot power as possible.

This ability to adjust is also useful when considering budget fluctuations. Firms with an unexpectedly low quarter can shrink without incurring a cancellation fee, and firms with unexpected profits can easily increase their purchasing power.

Digital ads can be easily measured:

Each section needs to show how it adds value, and with a digital campaign the metrics are properly included. You know exactly who clicked on your content, opened it, shared it, etc. You can also track the source of your traffic by entering the shopping cart and making the ultimate purchase. This will help you decide which platforms and strategies work best, and which ones are worth the more investment. The main reason to track metrics is to speak the same language as your CEO and CFO. While simple metrics like brand awareness, impressions, organic search rankings, and reach are important, their true value lies in how they correlate quantitatively with solid metrics like pipeline, revenue, and earnings. Digital advertising provides a platform for tracking both types of metrics to show a tangible return on investment.

Since digital advertising is quick to scale – often with real-time results and metrics – marketers may find it helps them make their campaigns more cost-effective. If one of your digital advertising programs is not performing well or working, it is easy to quickly adjust the program to ensure that your budget is well spent and provide a strong ROI.

Digital advertising maintains a higher awareness:

A study by Baymard Institute revealed that the average online shopping cart abandonment rate is 68.53%. Here, digital advertising has a major advantage. While it would be suspicious and hopeless for a customer outside your store in the mall and begging her to come back to make a purchase, with digital ads, you can communicate with him again without looking like a stalker.

With remarketing and retargeting, you can stay in front of him to suggest your product over and over. Retargeting means that the latter will appear in their Facebook sidebar the next time you log in or appear in an ad placement on their favorite blog using Google ads. With remarketing, you can test her connection again to an email to remind her of that single shopping cart. In fact, abandoned shopping carts can be recovered by retailers who use marketing automation software to offer a great deal, like a discount or free shipping. Digital ads can prevent this sale from slipping.

Digital advertising can spread quickly:

With a powerful digital advertising component, you can also become the next viral sensation. Take the Dove “Real Beauty Drawings”, for example, which featured real women contemplating themselves through the eyes of others. Just one video clip, in an ongoing campaign, got more than 114 million views in the first month alone, just because people chose to share it on social media. When you consider that 114 million represented roughly the same number of people who watched the average 2015 Super Bowl ads, according to NBC Sports, the power of viral content becomes apparent. Dove was set to spend $ 4.5 million per 30 seconds on the Super Bowl ad, and it still wasn’t getting the strong social evidence inherent in social media posts.

There is no magic formula for how or why something goes viral, but overall, content should talk about our emotions. Content that makes people laugh or feel good about themselves is very shareable. Beyond that, it’s hard to predict what will make something take off, but once it does it can take on a life of its own.

How to advertise across platforms:

Initially, it is necessary to decide on a primary issue, by answering this question: What advertising platform is appropriate for my project?

In fact, to answer this question, you need a study of your project, unless you are an expert in this field, you will not be able to take the right decision, which may lead to your psychological and material fatigue, and then your frustration, and here the possibility of losing hope increases. This is what we do not want.

Do you need an effective advertising plan? Are you looking to develop your project? Do you want to double your profits? Are you aiming to attract new clients? Please ask for the help of our team, or ask one of our consultants to help you, based on his experience.

Raya Al-Rowad team is a dedicated team with experience and expertise in the field, therefore, our team is efficient in the field.

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