Category Archives: Advertising products

The role of billboards in the company’s marketing

With the overwhelming number of advertising platforms, ads and companies advertising their products or services, advertising has become a competitive sport in this crowd, so it can be difficult for you as a novice entrepreneur to break through the chaos and capture the attention of your potential customers. This is why you need well-designed ads; [...]

A necessity to have a roll up

Roller Ups are a popular large format lightweight exhibition platform. The base is usually made of aluminum while the graphic area is usually printed on a vinyl or polypropylene substrate. It is also considered the most popular as a marketing presentation tool, and Cylinder Banners are referred to by many similar but different names, including: [...]

Importance of pop-up design and printing

Many companies seek to create new and advanced marketing and advertising methods in order to distinguish them in deepening their brand in a way that enhances their position in the market and increases rates on them, and one of the most famous of those marketing methods that have been very popular during the recent period [...]
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Roll up stand features

What is a Roll Up? It is the advertisement holder or display stand, which is a stand made of lightweight materials such as aluminum that is used to display the advertising message for all services or products of companies, or it can be used during a specific event or occasion, and the advertising message deals [...]

What is a poster and its types

What is a poster ?! A poster is a page printed on paper or cardboard that is displayed in public places; Most posters convey a simple message that combines words, graphics, or pictures. Posters may announce specific theater, film, or art events. Posters and their histories We can define posters in general as any printed [...]


What are seals? The company’s seal is the main seal used in the company or institution to confirm that the documents sealed with the company’s seal are the responsibility of the company in cases of prosecutions, and the document is considered certified and approved by the company’s board of directors. The company’s seal contains the [...]
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